elcome to Healing Energy Choices, new blog! We are so excited to have a blog up and running, so we can share with you all the wonderful things about reiki, energy healing, and how to help yourself find harmony and balance. Debbie is our reiki master and with over 15 years of experience, she knows how to heal the body in a holistic and natural way. She focuses her energy on what’s been troubling you, and targets it right at the source, using reiki and energy healing techniques. Her healing touch and knowledge make her a force to be reckoned with in the healing world.
In our blog, we will be giving you all kinds of information about reiki and why it may benefit you. We will be discussing how reiki can help certain ailments, physical and mental, and the ins and outs of energy healing.

First, it’s wise to understand how Debbie and Energy Healing Choices heals you


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a healing technique designed to restore the balance throughout the body. Reiki healing is done by using spiritual and touch related healing techniques. The reiki master will channel energy within your body by using the power of touch. This will commence the natural healing of the body and help rehabilitate physical and emotional health.

Where did Reiki Healing Originate?

Reiki healing originated from the Japanese culture. Japanese people would use this energy healing to help reduce stress and invoke relaxation for the person receiving the treatment. The main idea behind reiki is that our bodies are run on a life force energy. If that energy is high, your life will be prosperous and you will be happy and healthy. If your energy levels are low, this is why you get sick and let stress consume you.
Reiki can be broken up into two words with two different translations. Rei means “God’s Wisdom of the Higher Power” and Ki means “ life force energy” according to reiki.org. In it’s more simple terms, and put together, it means “spiritually guided life force energy”

So, Why Use Reiki Healing?

Reiki will help restore the balance and harmony within yourself. It can assist in all kinds of life-altering complications. The process of our reiki is simple, yet delivers amazing results. Reiki can help restore a healthy body and balanced mind. However, the body is not cured overnight. Many ailments within the body have manifested for many years and will take many sessions to see complete change. You must be in a place of wanting to be balanced, as well as receiving the energy healing treatments.
Debbie is an amazing healer who always has her clients health and well-being as her main focus. The wonderful thing about her is that she has medical and holistic healing experience. She is well rounded in her care and is always wanting you to walk out of one of her sessions feeling rejuvenated and on the right path to health and wellness. Please check back for more interesting facts about the practice of reiki, and schedule your consultation with Debbie today! She is located in Northern Colorado but always offers reiki distance healing over the phone or through skype!